Others just ask you to export the files and Ffxiv textools how to delete mods. In our opinion, it's the most important FFXIV mod that's related to combat. Click on "ModPacks" to open the folder view of all the ModPacks you've installed. Download that and proceed then to install the hud mods. It will appear flat when undyed, but adding a dye will give the crystal moon and star a soft glow. 0 Size: 462KB Requirements: TexTools DESCRIPTION. To solve this use Win + R, then type in appdata and hit enter, then open the Local Folder, and delete the folder FFXIV_TexTools2 in there, and start TexTools again. You can get this modification by donating me $15 USD. TexTools is a FFXIV Modding Framework for both mod creation and use/installation.

The Official TexTools Discord Server is the largest and oldest FFXIV modding Discord server, and home to tons of mods, authors, guides, technical resources, and a lively FFXIV modding and screenshot-sharing community. all the modded parts so I can apply them to TexTools. Description: A type of mineral that, when polished, emits an eerie blue glow not unlike the moon while under the influence of Thaliak.