The campaign includes all Yu-Gi-Oh seasons, although the latest season only has 3 duels to be played. The campaign contains hours upon hours of content, easily 100+ hours if you do all duels, duelist challenges and reverse duels(plays as the enemy). I could finish the review with that, but this package packs a stronger punch. Since the trading card game changed a Yu-Gi-Oh on a handheld. Make it 1 min maybe that will help with weeding out the meta decks. Also 3 mins to make a no e in ranked is to dang long. If you love Yugioh then pick this baby up dont let my low score scare you off. But literally once in a blue moon you'll face someone doing the same by building a random archetype deck and they are testing the waters as they love that archetype. Stay away from ranked as everyone uses decks that are considered tier 0 and 1 decks very boring people and opponents in those terms. If you wanna play strictly for single player experience I suggest this game 100% with 9000+ cards Konami really put love into this game and for 29.99 cant beat that price. But low and behold duel someone using a meta deck. It's a bummer cause my favorite thing to do is deck build and play other players with that deck. Very disappointing how people try hard so bad in a game when they cant even use there own created decks. It's very lame that everyone uses a meta deck vs create there own strategy with the 9000+ cards.

But for me it falls apart mostly in online/ranked play. It's a bummer cause my favorite thing to do is deck build and play I enjoy the game it's really amazing in terms of single player. I enjoy the game it's really amazing in terms of single player.